Forensic psychologists, that is psychologists that specialize in psychological evaluation and treatment, especially in legal cases have become commonplace in death penalty cases ever since the Supreme Court ruled that capital sentencing must be based on the individual offense and the perpetrator of the crime. What this means, in essence, is that psychological factors among others must be considered as it could possibly influence jury decision.
The importance of forensic psychologists in the death penalty was greatly highlighted after the Supreme Court decided in 2002 that the use of the death penalty for mentally unstable people was unconstitutional. If an accused is deemed mentally unfit by a psychologist, such a person cannot face the death sentence. This goes on to underline the importance of the psychologists' assessments in death penalty cases.
In helping to formulate the President's spending plans, OMB evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, assesses competing funding demands among agencies, and sets funding priorities.
The government of the Republic of Kenya is composed of three branches: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. It is a multi-party, democratic state. The power is held on two levels: the national level and the county level.
Kenya is a representative democracy in terms of its legislature, and a direct democracy in terms of their president. The president is the leader of the executive branch. The legislative branch is composed of the National Assembly and the Senate, while the judiciary includes the Superior Courts and the Subordinate Courts.
The current President of Kenya is Uhuru Kenyatta, son of Jomo Kenyatta (first president of Kenya) and party leader of the Jubilee Party of Kenya.
Probation violation takes place when a person commits a crime again when he/she is on probation already. However, when the violation was first time committed, the probation could be revoked in which the accused will serve the remaining time in jail, as decided by the court.
Deforestation is the term used for the clearing of forests. When trees are cut in a small or large scale thus clearing forest cover, it results in many damaging effects on the ecosystem and disturbs the ecological balance. When trees are cut and forests are cleared the hydrological balance in the ecosystem is also disturbed.Many life forms live in trees. When trees are felled these life forms lose their homes. Man and all herbivorous animals and birds depend on trees for their food and sustenance. Therefore cutting of trees causes the life forms to lose their source of food.
theres your paragraph
question answered by (jacemorris04)