= $406.6
To calculate return of portfolio we first calculate weight of each asset
this can be done by finding total investment and then dividing each asset by total investment.
Total investment = 8000 + 7000 + 5000 = $20,000
General Dynamics 8000/20000 = 0.4 = W1
Starbucks 7000/20000 = 0.35 = W2
Nike 5000/20000 = 0.25 = W3
Now for portfolio return we can use the formula
P(r) = W1 * (Return on W1 asset) + W2 * (Return on W2 asset) + W3 * (Return on W3 asset)
P(r) = 0.4 * (0.0680) + 0.35 * (-0.0152) + 0.25 * (-0.0062)
This gives us
Total Return % = 0.02033 or 2.033%
Simply multiply this cumulative weight to total portfolio worth
Total Return in $ = 0.02033 * 20000 = $406.6
Hope that helps.