Yes, we are im not sure what your options are but it is true
revolve around nouns because these words
function both as sentence subjects and as objects of verbs</span>. A noun<span> is a word
that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living
creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.</span>
A developing country is usually a country with a more stabilized and established economy and has achieved a more industrial era. Developed countries have a higer life expectancy than less developed countries and they also have a higer GDP and GNP than less developed countries.
Beijing is the country's caputal and has been a centre of culture and government since the 1200s. That is, if you're talking about China in your social studies class. It's a very powerful country that has a good economy, as well as a well-maintained culture since then.