........was connected to the great lakes by the opening of the Erie Canal.
Students, particularly those in college, are expected to adhere to rigorous codes of conduct that stress academic integrity, including prohibitions against plagiarism. Steering clear of plagiarism, however, can be more difficult than it seems and the consequences can be severe. Fortunately, it’s a problem educators are devoting quite a bit of energy to, and there are new resources available to help students avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism.
They wanted to stay out of another out of another war and European affairs. 1936-Germany Troops Move Into Rhineland.
As the idea of Détente moved forward one central goal for the west was the promotion of human rights. One of the central objectives of the West was the promotion of human rights because methods of repression, intimidation, denial of access to studies, denial to work, imprisonment or dismissal for political reasons were used.
Two of the expected demands made by the Treaty of Versailles towards Germany are 1. Germany had to take sole responsibility for the war and 2. Germany had to lose much of its industrial areas.