getting to go to shareholder meetings, voting on issues that affect the direction of the company, And you can get paid more
Teens often take more risks than adults and according to research, it is because they weigh risks and rewards differently than adults do (Dobbs, 2012). For adolescents, the brain's sensitivity to the neurotransmitter dopamine peaks, and dopamine is involved in reward circuits so the possible rewards outweigh the risks.
As a result of different areas of the brain developing at different times, in addition to hormonal rushes, teens are more prone to risky behavior and bad decisions, such as binge drinking, drug abuse, smoking, body piercing/tattooing, thrill-seeking, fighting, dangerous driving
1. In a democracy sovereignty is held by the whole population as a group, in a republic sovereignty is held by the people as individuals.
2. In democracy, the philosophy is that all eligible citizens get equal say in decisions.
In a republic, all eligible citizens get equal say in decisions with protection of unalienable rights to individuals.
Most people would want to live in an area with good farmland because farmland preservation can benefit local communities in many ways resulting in food security, economic viability, better quality of life (amenities), and orderly development.