The meristematic tissues is responsible for growth in angiosperms.
30 percent
Protein is essential in living organisms. They are the building blocks of life and help in the replacement and repair of work out tissues of the body. There are various sources of protein which are plant sources and animal sources.
Animal sources include land and aquatic animals.Sea Finfish, ocean catches, and fish-farming provide approximately 30
percent of animal protein sources consumed by humans in the world.
We get glucose by consuming carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are in breads, pastas, or even potatoes.
The angle of jaw and type of teeth in each jaw are the main big differences.
Answer: Option A is correct. They eat consumers which ate plants, which absorb it from soil.
Carnivores get nitrogen from the food they eat or consuming nitrogen from the small insects trapped in plant. They eat consumers which in turn eat plants and absorb nitrogen from the soil.