Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the UK.
He owes more than $36 because -$36 is the same thing as owing $36 but without the - so if his balance is less than $-36 then he owes more than $36
f(-1) = 121
Step-by-step explanation:
f(x) = (5-6x)^2 (First we will substitute x for -1)
f(-1) = (5-6(-1))^2 (Then we will combine like terms)
f(-1) = (11)^2 (Then we will square it)
f(-1) = 121 (You are done)
C. approximately 99.99%
Step-by-step explanation:
The distribution bell shape is a normal distribution, with mean 120 mmHg and standard deviation 12 mmHg.
The rank between 96 mmHg and 144 mmHg is wider than the rank between mean plus, minus 3 standard deviation (102 mmHg up to 138 mmHg), and this rank is approximately 99.7 %.Therefore 99.99 % includes more closely values in the rank 96 up to 144 mmHg
I think you need to figure it out to 3. if you dont it wont make sense until you figure it out. maybe do what you know. you are given the first two answers. then you figure out how to prove it.