Based on what I’m seeing, It seems like in the string of line 11 you’ve put “What is your first item?” When it should be “What is you second item”.
Word of advice: It’s would be best if you write your consent variables in camel case. It’s helps with debugging and over all helps a reader easily understand what your coding.
Answer: Python
•If you want an example of high level programming at the same time its object oriented one is example is “Python”
• If your question is what is high level programming and what is Object Oriented programming I’ll explain. ⬇️
High level programming is a computer language which is closer to human languages.
Object oriented programming- view the picture.
He can use following computer program to make the class room more interesting and effective:-
- 1. <u>Reference software</u> : This software help students to access the atlases and dictionaries.Teacher can include this software in research projects .
- 2. <u>Educational Games</u>: This types of software is very effective for younger children because it motivates them to learn.This software companies have combined gaming and education into one .
- 3. <u>Graphical software</u> : Student can use this software to create and changes images available on the internet itselfs .
The int functions founds down to the nearest whole number, which in this case would be 6.