Make the surfaces little more smoother. ...
Lubrication is another way to make a surface smoother. ...
Make the object more streamlined. ...
Reduce the Normal force acting between the surfaces in contact. ...
Reduce the contact between the surfaces, so that less number of bonds will be formed.
The starting angle θθ of a pendulum does not affect its period for θ<<1θ<<1. At higher angles, however, the period TT increases with increasing θθ.
The relation between TT and θθ can be derived by solving the equation of motion of the simple pendulum (from F=ma)
For small angles, θ≪1,θ≪1, and hence sinθ≈θsinθ≈θ. Hence,
This second-order differential equation can be solved to get θ=θ0cos(ωt),ω=gl−−√θ=θ0cos(ωt),ω=gl. The period is thus T=2πω=2πlg−−√T=2πω=2πlg, which is independent of the starting angle θ0θ0.
For large angles, however, the above derivation is invalid. Without going into the derivation, the general expression of the period is T=2πlg−−√(1+θ2016+...)T=2πlg(1+θ0216+...). At large angles, the θ2016θ0216 term starts to grow big and cause
8. In soft magnetic materials such as iron, what happens when an external magnetic field is removed?
a. The domain alignment persists.
b. The orientation of domains fluctuates.
c. The material becomes a hard magnetic material.
d. The orientation of domains changes, and the material returns to an unmagnetized state.
9. According to Lenz’s law, if the applied magnetic field changes,
a. the induced field attempts to keep the total field strength constant.
b. the induced field attempts to increase the total field strength.
c. the induced field attempts to decrease the total field strength.
d. the induced field attempts to oscillate about an equilibrium value.
10. The direction of the force on a current-carrying wire in an external magnetic field is
a. perpendicular to the current only.
b. perpendicular to the magnetic field only.
c. perpendicular to the current and to the magnetic field.
d. parallel to the current and to the magnetic field
Anion is created when electrons are lost.