Can you put a picture for the answers or multiple choice?
Im assuming this is you, You should consult a doctor as they know whats best. Since running does not require upper arm strength maybe start with a light arm workout and maybe some heavier leg equipment. Some runners core are stronger than others. Ask a doctor before trying anything to extreme.
Ketogenic diet (keto diet).
It’s a low-carb, high-fat diet which encourages the body to burn fats instead of carbohydrates.
It might not work if you don’t get the food proportions right. The person may not cut enough carbs out of their diet (they won’t lose weight).
It also doesn’t work for everyone (There is some explanation behind it but I don’t know it, sorry. However, you could say that just like other diets, it just doesn’t work for some people and their metabolism).
<span>Oe moved to a new town and was having a hard time making friends. Recently he has some people. They started smoking marijuana and offered him some. He smoked the marijuana, even though he did not want to. What should I do next?
<span>Refuse, not be influenced and say NO</span></span>