a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 = ( a + b ) ( a - b ) where a = 4p and b = 3q.
( 4p + 3q ) ( 4p - 3q )
You would plug in twenty eight point nine to the q. So it would be five point one plus twenty eight point nine divided by three point four, which equals thirteen point six.
A rate: a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against some other quantity or measure.
A unit rate: When rates are expressed as a quantity of 1, such as 2 feet per second or 5 miles per hour, they are called unit rates. If you have a multiple-unit rate such as 120 students for every 3 buses, and want to find the single-unit rate, write a ratio equal to the multiple-unit rate with 1 as the second term.
Hope this helps.