Tolerance can in fact cause an overdose, because the greater tolerance you can get the more of a certain substance your body will need eventually leading your body to take more than it can handle leading to overdose and death.
The first test is the heart
<span>Platelet is a term that is not used to refer to white blood cells. Platelets are the smallest of all blood cells, and make up a very small fraction of blood volume. The function of platelets is to prevent bleeding, whereas the function of white blood cells is to fight off infection and increase immunity to disease.</span>
Resiliency means the ability/capacity to recover quickly from challenges/difficulties. In another definition it also means toughness. And from the above choices "Processing feelings of anger and guilt about a situation" can help a person get back on his/her feet more quickly also not running away from/denying the situation does not go along with toughness. Hope it helps.