Explanation: The first step is to make a goal. The second step is to plan how you will accomplish you goal. The third and final step is to accomplish your goal.
C. A cold site is a leased facility that contains only electrical and communications wiring, air conditioning, plumbing, and raised flooring. No communications equipment, networking hardware, or computers are installed at a cold site until it is necessary to bring the site to full operation.
Binary Code
All microprocessors and programmable devices understand is Binary Code. These are various combinations of 0's and 1's which when placed together in a sequence represent a set of instructions that the microprocessor can read and understand to complete complex tasks. There are various other programming languages to program these tasks in an easier to read syntax for the programmers themselves but they simply take the written code and convert it into Binary before sending it to the microprocessor.
Under fundamental principles of software engineering, the term "abstraction" is simply defined as the act of highlighting some details and hiding other ones.
Thus, the correct answer among the options is Abstraction.