Asexual reproduction can be described as a process in which daughter cells are produced which are 100% identical to the parent cells. Unlike the process of sexual reproduction, no recombination occurs in asexual reproduction. Hence, no variability is produced when organisms reproduce by this method.
<u><em>As there will be lack of variability in asexual reproduction, the whole of the particular species might become endangered or extinct due to a disease or due to other factors like pests.</em></u>
In determining species, it is best to differentiate in terms of the population that is being adapted in which, a certain niche. So, if it has a small gene pool, and the different species will be interbreeding each other with a much genetic variability in gene pool, it would most likely cause a less adaptation. The niche will be having a less adaptation if too much genetic variability will occur.
These example represent the category of the carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates can be defined as poly hydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone.There are many types of carbohydrates based on the number of sugar residue that they contain such as
1 Mono saccharide they are simple sugars which consist of one sugar residue such as glucose,fructose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, mannose
2 Di saccharides they consist of 2 monosaccharide residues linked together by glycosidic linkage such as sucrose consist of glucose and fructose linked together by β-2,1-glycosidic linkage.Maltose consist of 2 glucose sub units linked together by α-1,4-glycosidic linkage.
3 Poly saccharide they are complex sugar consist of more than 10 mono saccharide subunits linked with each other by glycocydic linkage.For example strarch the storage polysaccharide in plant consist several glucose sub units linked together α-1,4-glycosidic linkage.Cellulose consist of glucose sub units linked with eachother by β-1,4-glycosidic linkage.
Yes, they are. That's true.
A dog is at a higher advantage because it has a larger jaw which could easily be used to crush a cat during a fight