Plants may compete with other organisms like phytoplankton for sunlight, their source of light energy for photosynthetic reactions.
Abiotic factors or non-living factors in terrestrial ecosystems include temperature, rainfail, and light; in other aquatic ecosystems, they also include salinity, and water currents.
Plant populations belong to the biotic factors within an environment, and often complete with other organisms such as fungi, animals and bacteria.
For instance, plants share their photosynthetic ability with some bacteria. In aquatic biomes, both phytoplankton, and aquatic plants compete for available sunlight underwater in order to make energy via photosynthesis.
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As the earth has active tectonics we know that rocks are recycled and the oldest rocks may therefore just be the oldest rocks that have not been recycled yet. We know the true age of the earth by looking at radioactive isotopes of things like spacedust and meteors that formed at the same time as the earth as they have not been affected by the tectonic process of recycling here on Earth.
The leatherback is the largest living sea turtle.
The Leatherback is the largest sea turtle existing today, which can reach up to 2000 pounds in weight and 8 feet in size. These turtles belong to a reptilian family that has been around for more than 100 million years.