Since omni- means all, then we know that omnivores will eat a lot of things
And omnivores do eat both meat and vegetation
<em>This is an example of natural selection (adaptation).</em>
Natural selection tends to favor those organisms which are better adapted to live in an environment.
As tortoises having flat shell and long neck were better adapted to live in barren area, hence through natural selection those organisms were favored in such an ecosystem.
As tortoises that lived on the vegetative lands were more adapted to live in such an ecosystem, hence through natural ecosystem these organisms were favored and increased in numbers.
50%, don't know if you use pun nett squares but Google them, they simplify it so much.
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Answer:Our ancestors’ perception of taste was important for survival and thriving. Now researchers are trying to produce food with reduced calories or salt that remains palatable
Evolution of taste
Our ancestors had to seek out their food from the environment, and their perception of taste was important for survival and thriving. ... They work with foods that are being produced in a manner that reduces calories or salt or adds ingredients with potential health benefits from plants
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