B, if it ever went to zero they would be extinct and they repopulated over time so you know it got close but never hit zero
The 1920s.
Hope this helps. you're welcome
I assume you are not familiar with this topic. I suggest you read more about this protein from online books or ur own book if you have.
White blood cell = its a cell just like the name suggests, in fact, more like its a family of cell types that are responsible for immunity and some other functions (it doesnt look like you need to know the details on other functions so just stick with immunity)
Platelets = these are not really cells, but you can say they are sorta like bits of cells, they contain important protein(s) for blood clotting and surely they themselves play important role in blood clotting which prevents us from bleeding to death when we get a cut for example.
Plasma = this is part of blood, excluding red blood cells and white blood cells, its basically fluid with nutrients, ions and most importantly blood proteins, such as carrier ones like Albumin.
The only one left is Hemoglobin,
heme is the iron part (which is not really iron alone but thats the only one u need to know)
and globin is the protein part
these two make up hemoglobin
so this complex resides inside red blood cells, which flow in our vessels to every part of our body supplying them with nutrients and oxygen taken from our capillary system of lungs.
Lead emission since early 1980s have DECREASE DUE TO LEAD FREE GASOLINE.
Lead is a natural occurring element that is found in small quantity in rocks and soils. Lead emission is an important environmental health issue because a very small quantity of lead can cause adverse effects on the nervous system of unborn babies and young children. Because of this, the government took all necessary measures to ensure that its emission was drastically reduced.
Option B. A double-stranded molecule with coded instructions for anorganism's physical characteristics, is the correct statement.
DNA is a genetic material which contains information about the physical features and characteristics of an organism. It is composed of five carbon sugar, phosphate group and nitrogenous base. The DNA base are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.