The answer is:
Independent: red meat eaten by a person
Dependent: iron in the blood
A dependent variable has to depend on something else, so in order for a dependent variable to exist or happen, there has to be the independent variable. The independent variable is something that does not need anything else to happen for it to take place. It s independent. Such as, a mother cannot have a child without sperm. The mother have a child is dependent, where the sperm is independent.
The phosphates provide energy for the bond between each nucleotide.
When each nucleotide is being bound, the two extra phosphates provide the energy needed for it to form the bind between each nucleotide that's being added to the RNA. Without this energy, the RNA wouldn't be able to form due to the lack of enough energy.
Computional model, used to study an outbreak of an infectious disease called influenza.
Nitrogeneous bases
phosphate group