bool identicaltrees(Node* root1,Node* root2)//function of type boolean true if idenctical false if not.
if(root1==NULL&&root2==NULL)//both trees are null means identical.
return true;
if(roo1 && root2)
if(root1->data==root2->data)//condition for recursive call..
return (identicaltrees(root1->left,root2->right)&&identicaltrees(root1->right&&root2->right);
return false;
In this function it of type boolean returns true if both the trees are identical return false if not.First we are checking root node of both the trees if both are null then they are identical returning true.
If both root nodes are not null then checking their data.If data is same then recursively traversing on both trees and checking both trees.
else returning false.
C. She would have to resort to trial and errors to find a matching exponent
Answer: As the conventional etiquette, which lays out rules of ethics in social contexts, the purpose of netiquette is to help create and sustain a friendly, relaxed and productive atmosphere for online contact, as well as to avoid putting pressure on the system and creating tension between users.
Zero (0); one (1).
Boolean logic refers to a theory of mathematics developed by the prominent British mathematician, called George Boole. In Boolean logic, all variables are either true or false and are denoted by the number "1" or "0" respectively; True = 1 or False = 0.
The memory of a computer generally stores data as a series of 0s and 1s. In computer memory, zero (0) represents the absence of an electric signal i.e OFF and one (1) represents the presence of an electric signal i.e ON.
antivirus.......hope this answers your question