Informal Economy
An informal economy is a segment of any society not taxed or controlled by some type of government. The concept is usually applied to self-employment in small unregistered enterprises.
Max spends most of his time in the house taking care of his children and his sister’s children in return his sister lends his family an extra apartment she has in her multifamily home. This situation is referred to as informal economy.
The word boycott in bolded letters with a cancel signal over it.
A privy council is the one or the body that gives advice to the head of the nation. in context of monarchy type of government the word privy means secret, so this are secret advisors to the king or queen. or the they are the closest advisors of the king
The effects of the American Civil War and on Southerners were:
- There was a feeeling of loss as many citizens lost their homes and loved ones as a result of violence of war.
Reconstruction was a direct effect of the civil war, as the majority of the battles took place in the South, the had much to reconstruct. Eleven cities were seriously damaged and destroyed. These cities housed over 100,000 people. Therefore, the Southern States were in a deep economic ruin.
- Violence broke out in areas as many opposed the legislations that were being passed by the federal government.
The<u> Ku Kux Klan (KKK)</u> flourished in the Southern United States at the end of the war in 1865. It was a secret movement that sought to overthrow the Republican state government, using terrorism against individuals they opposed, such as inmigrants. For example, the government passed the abolition of slavery during the Recontruction era, and, as this didn't make them happy, they used violence against people to oppress government.
- A longing for the "Old South" existed for many who continued to live there.
The South also developed a nostalgic culture that described the antebellum world (which means before war) including slavery, the Confederacy as well as Southern Courage during Civil War.