Michigan entered as a free state as it was one of the most north states of the U.S and still is. That meant it was filled of people that had a bad tone towards slavery. Florida is one of the most southern states and was filled with cotton farms in northern Florida ( South Florida was uninhabited by Americans cause there were marches and alligators I;e Everglades) Iowa was also a free state. Iowa was near Michigan and also had a population that disliked slavery.
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Well to start and probably most importantly, the Greeks are considered to be the founders of democracy. They also had some of the first voting systems. So technically all modern law that dwells in democracy originated in Greece. Rome expanded on that democracy and created what I would consider the most powerful government that held together an empire. They had levels to their government which made organization greater. The most well known position would be senator. Overall, many of the systems that we have in our society such as voting, debates, centralized government and even more than one branch, were all practiced in Rome.
Greeks - Democracy and Voting
Romans - Centralized Government and Government Positions
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during this age of imperialism. the U.S exerted political. social and economic control over countries ssuchad the phillipines, Cuba, Germany Austria Korea and Japan. I hope this helped you out a little hun!