Values are of different kinds. they can be said to be important things we hold dear or beliefs, ideals commonly shared among members of a group, organisation or culture about what is good/bad. They are abstract in nature e.g honesty, love, friendship, loyalty, fun, intimacy e.t.c .
Organizational Values can simply be said to be abstract ideas that aids organizational thinking and actions. they are the essential and important ethics or principles which the company will abide by. they are the foundation on which the company is formed as it is the first, essential and critical step in its formation and development.
Organizational values are important because they help guide behavior and the recruitment and selection decisions.
Uhmmm You Need to Add The Term
nature , nurture
The long held debate of nature vs nurture, arises from ancient philosopers and continues in the present. In the yaer of 1869 the issue was named "Nature versus Nurture" by Englishmen Francis Galton.
It was a time where the genotypes and clues of the existence of the DNA were emerging, and people where to observe if genetics shaped personality- or if in the contrary the cultural, social, and educational experiencies will be more important in personality formation.
There exists today a widespread consensus that, to certain degree, there will be always some natural components like the eye color and color of skin, that will however after birth be shaped by environmental factors and the lifestyle.
In the case of other internal characteristics, internal and external forces will shape as well.
They served as scouts and spies for the union. They also enlisted in the union.