When Canada and the United States work together, they enhance their security and accelerate the legitimate flow of people, goods and services. Canada and the United States remain committed to close cooperation on issues facing our two countries and to jointly address challenges around the world.
"Fertile," as in fertile soil or fertile land, means that the soil and land is rich in nutrients for plants, and therefore is good for farming crops.
According to French sociologist Emile Durkheim the word anomie was described as derangement.
When society undergoes rapid change in terms standards or values of societies this causes an alienation among people. People feel purposeless and cannot meet the required standards set by society. The feelings of purposelessness and not belonging to any group leads to the increase in anomie.
week 1 : changing water into wine
week 2: healing the Royal officials son
week 3: healing the paralytic at the pool
week: 4 feeding over 5,000 with fish and loaves week : 5 walking on water week 6 healing a man born blind and week : 7 raising lazaurs from the dead