The answer will obviously be letter A
The correct answer is - Honeycreepers arose from a single species that migrated to Hawaii and adapted to different niches over time.
All Hawaiian honeycreeper bird species share similar muscle and skeletal structures. This suggests that all Hawaiian bird species arose from a common ancestor and evolved due to different environmental conditions such as eating particular foods for particular species.
It is believed to be a single species of honeycreeper who migrated from the mainland to Hawaiin island and adapted to different niches over time by the process known as natural selection.
In the deep layers of the ocean, various distinct kinds of species are found like fangtooth fish and vampire squid, to sea urchins and coffinfish.
One of the probable adaptation, which is not fully understood in the deep sea is gigantism. This refers to the ability of animals to become highly enormous in size. A well-known illustration is a giant squid, and others, like giant isopod, the kings of herrings selfish, and the colossal squid.
One of the possible reason of gigantism is the tendency of the species in the deep sea to live for long years, that is, for decades or for even centuries. As food is not abundant in the deep zones, thus deep sea creatures have evolved some interesting mechanisms of feeding.
In the non-existence of photosynthesis, the majority of food comprises of detritus, that is, the decaying leftovers of algae, microbes, animals, and plants from the upper layers of the ocean. Apart from that, the corpses of large animals, like whales that sink to the bottom give irregular but huge feasts for deep-sea animals.
Chromosomes would divide in interphase and enter mitosis. However, the spindle apparatus would not form, so the chromosomes would end up in the metaphase form and no further mitotic events would take place.
Electroencephalography is used to measure brain activity in terms of electrical activity. It is done by attaching electrodes on the scalp, or sometimes by placing electrodes directly in the brain. Using electroencephalography can help determine when the fetus starts having its own brain activities, which means that it is now a separate entity distinguishable from its mother. Using electroencephalography to see brain waves can give us a deeper insight into the age old complicated issue of when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals.