The volume of the Pacific Ocean, representing about 50.1 percent of the world's oceanic water, has been estimated at some 714 million cubic kilometers or 171 million cubic miles.
Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Norms are rules or expectations that are socially enforced. Gender roles are the prescribed behaviors, attitudes and characteristics associated with one's gender status as a female or a male. I'm unsure on the 5 differences, sorry.
My teacher has authority. My teacher has absolute authority because they are in charge of their classroom. They run the show and I would never look to the internet to find answers to answer their questions as that is pretty lazy, especially when my teacher would definitely be willing to help me if I asked for it. So for that reason, I believe my teacher has absolute authority.
The governor is the chief executive of the state true or false = True
Contrary to popular belief, the initial goal of the civil war was to preseve the union, not abolish slavery.