0.4 is the divisor, or whichever number is under the fraction. This is because the denominator of any fraction is always the divisor of the numerator of the fraction.
Pi/3 is equivalent to 60 degrees, as 2pi is equal to 360 degrees. cos(60) in a triangle yields 1/2, and sin(60) yields (3^(1/2))/2. Thus, -pi/3, or -60 degrees would be a fourth quadrant point on the unit circle and these values would be negative as well, at cos(-pi/3)=-1/2 and sin(-pi/3)=-(3^(1/2))/2
6 feet.
Step-by-step explanation:
Dimensions of the Pool =80 feet long by 20 feet wide
Area of the walkway =1344 square feet.
If the width of the walkway=w
- Length of the Larger Rectangle =80+2w
- Width of the Larger Rectangle =20+2w
Area of the Walkway =Area of the Larger Rectangle - Area of the Pool

Alex has 128 baseball cards, Leo has 66 cards, and ginny has 210.