You can go into your bedroom on a dark night, then close your eyes, and press your face into the pillow. You will then see an exact copy of the image, in perfect detail.
That is an interactive question.
hi earlier u told me to answer ur question but i couldn't respond in the comments cos it said something went wrong
do i answer this question seriously or is this answer good?? srry im kinda dûmb T-T
C. Modern Programming Language Skills
Answered below
Class BaseballPlayer{
//Instance variables
string name;
int hits;
int bats;
BaseballPlayer (string a, int b, int c){
name = a;
hits = b;
bats = c
public void printBattingDetails( ){
System.out.print(name, hits, bats)
//Demo class
Class BaseballTester{
public static void main (String args []){
BaseballPlayer player = new BaseballPlayer("Joe", 8, 4)
player.printBattingDetails( )