i cant draw one for you since it would be obvious you didnt draw it yourself, but basically just make a triangle with surfs at the bottom and move up to the king at the top
Things that might become possible ethical issues are:
- the confidentiality of someone's personal health information may be compromised due to Security Breach.
- The electronic Health records could provide a lot of inaccuracies because it may not include several data that could only be obtained if it observed by actual medical professional.
The usual blessing
“In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost, Amen”—followed, then the Lord's Prayer, the whole concluding with the Roman numerals
The middle east is comprised of one of the most lush and amazing lands to explore as there are a number of land farms where different crops are cultivated and its add up value to the whole structure or body of the economy inside the different states. But, a different data will be explored when we see the different areas around the middle east, as there are places has a temperature,T of high value as the area is comprised of very hot and dry areas, as there are some landscapes where the water is scarce.
- But, the land owners or we can say that the people who require to generate more profit from the agricultural industry and by focusing on raising the livestock so, that people can be able to have more profit from trading cattle's and improve there financial status by making advancements in the dairy industry. While, the middle east has the most suitable land farms for raising the livestock which require less water for there growth and nourishment.That is the reason camels and sheep are raised for generating more profit and making advancements inside the region's dairy and poultry industry.
- The animals like camels and sheep requires less resources for there survival or we can say that there body mechanism built to sustain inside a dry or harsh climate like the one inside the Middle east. So, the farmers obviously look for the perfect option and raise those livestock which are mainly comprised of cows, sheep, and camels. As, the buffalo are not entertained to be a part of it because of there too many requirements for survival in the region.
- As, we can see in these two pictures that one of the picture is comprised of sheep and inside the other there is a farmer who is doing milk from a cow, as there are various resources through which the middle east has developed itself and improved the livestock industry in a more wide sense.