Try to stay true to who you are and find a good reason as to why you should be a great leader such as if you are in any AP classes or if you have demonstrated good leadership skills in the past. And if everything else fails people like food so you could bake/cook something cool that's has to do with science. Good luck!
Paralysis is most often caused by damage in the nervous system, especially the spinal cord. The nervous system is what give signals to the different parts of our body so that if it is damaged signals and messages could not be transported. If the central nervous system is damaged, paralysis frequently affects the movement of a limb as a whole, not the individual muscles.
Poisning by 2-deoxyglucose syops the glycolysis process which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms. Due to property of inhibiting the enzyme reqquired for glycolysis, glucokinase. So, there is no ATP production takes place.