It is known that a good credit score generally comes from a history of managing money responsibly. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t borrow money though; in fact, companies often like to see a track record of timely payments and sensible borrowing. In Leon's case, he has no dealings with credit cards as he makes all his transaction with physical cash; therefore he has no credit score in any way.
Leon has to work towards improving his poor credit score or need to build up credit history from nothing.
A written and signed document between an employer entity and a labor organization specifying the terms and conditions of employment for a specified period of time is known as a collective bargaining agreement.
The reason why it is collective bargaining agreement is because it binds two or more entities which makes it to be collectively agreed
Instructios are listed below
Giving the following information:
Assume Pinkie started the year with 100 containers of ink (average cost of $ 9.10 each, FIFO cost of $ 8.60 each, LIFO cost of $ 8.00 each).
During the year, the company purchased 800 containers of ink at $10.00 and sold 600 units for $21.75 each. Pinkie paid operating expenses throughout the year, a total of $ 5,000.
Sales= 600*21.75= 13,050
COGS= (100*8.60 + 500*10)= 5860
Gross profit= 7190
Operating expense= 5000
Net operating profit= $2,190
Sales= 13,050
COGS= (600*10)= 6000
Gross profit= 7,050
Operating expense= 5000
Net operating profit= $2,050
Sales= 13,050
COGS= [(9.10+10)/2]*600= 5730
Gross profit= 7,320
Operating expense= 5000
Net operating profit= $2,320
Call the cops or leave them be Karen’s