Apply handrub to palm of one hand.
Rub hands together covering all surfaces of hands and fingers.
Rub until handrub is absorbed.
The problem that created due to the difference in the model of programming language and the database model.
The practical relational model has three components which are as follows
1. Attributes
2. Datatypes
3. Tuples
To minimize this problem
1. We switch low pass L-Network to high pass L-network
2. We switch high pass L-Network to low pass L-network
3. We use the impedence matching transformer
Available at the time of year.
d) daco = new Banana;
Dynamically allocated variables have their memory allocated in the heap memory.We declare a dynamical variable like this:-
int *a=new int ;
It means a pointer a is created on the stack memory which hold the address of the block that hold the value of variable a in heap memory.
We already have the pointer daco. We just have to initialize with keyword new.
It will be like daco=new Banana; which matches the option d.
I think false not sure but let other people help u answer and u can decide