<span>Three-pronged firewall hope this helps!</span>
Data link layer enables the receiving node to send an acknowledgement.
The data link has following function;
1 it send the acknowledgement to the node because for the reliable transmission.
2.Data link layer provides the interface to the network layer.
3.it regulate the flow of data.
4.It control the transmission error.
The important function of data link layer it created packets of the data to send the packets in guarantee manner for giving the acknowledgement to the node that data is received successfully.
Minimized window
The sign to click is a "-" sign (minus)
The languages C++, Java, Python are Object Oriented Programming languages. What this means is that we create classes and then instantiate those classes. In C++ and Java, we use the new operator to instantiate the classes. So, if we want to display some data when we try to print the instance just like we print the variables of data types like int, double, string etc, we need to define what we need to display. It is because, class are just like data types like int, double etc. But as they are defined by the developer according to his/her needs, so the developer has to define what to print when they are printed.
Answered below
class TestScores {
double test1;
double test2;
double test 3;
public TestScores (double test1, double test2, double teat3){
this.test1= test1;
this.test2 = test2;
this.test3 = teat3;}
public setTest1(double test1){
this.test1 = test1;
public double getTest1(){
return test 1;
//Write same accessors and mutators for test2 and test3
public double getTestAverage(){
double sum = test1+test2+test3;
return sum / 3;
class TestRun{
public static void main (String [] args){
TestScores scores = new TestScores(50.5, 40.0, 80.7)
int average = scores.getTestAverage();