I think it will be C but I'm not sure about it but as i read it that's what it comes for me
B. Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize communities, and meet basic human needs following an incident.
The process is called advertising management.
Advertising management is a planned process that is designed to manipulate customer's interest and their purchase decision. This process is based on many-layered decisions such as its budget, the target audience, the advertising strategies.
In the end, it also calculates the total effectiveness of the process. The main aim of this process is to persuade customers in order to make them purchase their products.
McDonald's is using the same process to makes it's brand more popular through the advertisements and the result and can be seen in the change in its weekly sales.
From the fourth day after fertilization until the end of eight week, the unborn baby is called an embryo and from 9th week is referred as fetus until the end of conception.It is an organism in the earliest developmental stage.