D) james oglethorpe
God bless!
The first constitution of the United States was named "The Articles of Confederation"
This constitution was was drafted by the second continental congress and ratified by all 13 states in 1781. It was named so because the plan was to bring different states together under one National Government in order to have a perfect union and promote the general welfare of the people, amongst many other things.
The American colonists were driven to declare war on the British Empire, because they were being oppressed, and not treated as citizens. They believed that the British had no right to impose more taxes on them, and so declared independence
hope this helps
Alexander Hamilton was known to openly support Various forms of Federalist polciies, which are backed by bankers and wealthy businessmen.
At that time, the majority people in the north were influenced with anti-federalist ideology, so they would pretty much disagree with or even despise Hamilton's policies.
Jefferson wrote out a rough draft of the Declaration, which was carefully revised by the committee and presented to Congress for adoption. After some further slight revisions by that body, it was adopted on July 4, 1776, at Philadelphia.