Changing a fraction to its decimal form can be done by long division method. Dividing the denominator by its numerator will change the fraction into decimal form. Alternatively, you can use a calculator to do that for you. Below are the fractions with their decimal forms listed:
1.) 2/5 = 0.4 (D)
2.) 7/20 = 0.35 (A)
3.) 3/25 = 0.12 (C)
4.) 7/10 = 0.7 (B)
The first image has a coordinate of A'(1, 6) B'(-3, 7)
<h3>How to calculate the coordinates of an image after a translation?</h3>
Translation can be defined as movement in a straight line.
Given the rule: (x,y) → (x + 3, y - 1) and A(-2,7) B(-6,8)
That means: A(x = -2, y =7) B(x = -6, y = 8)
Thus the translation will be:
A'(-2 +3, 7-1) B'(-6+3, 8-1) = A'(1, 6) B'(-3, 7)
Therefore, the coordinate of the image is A'(1, 6) B'(-3, 7)
Learn more about translation on:
$ 6.50
Step-by-step explanation:
Based on the given conditions, formulate 3+2 × 1.75
calculate the first two terms 3+3.5
calculate the first two terms 6.5
Answer: 6.5
1_ draw a triangle
the shortest side is a which will be 8(bunnies)
diagonal will be c ( what you need to find )
the last side will be b.
so the equation is a2+b2=c2 ( 2=squared)
that means..... 8x8+24x24=c
then add
the find square root
simplify to 25.3
you know your answer is correct because c is always the biggest side