The correct answer is E. socially responsible
A company is socially responsible when it works attached to values and that within its business objectives includes supporting social, economic and environmental needs in order to optimize its competitive situation and its added value.
When a company is socially responsible, it does so by its own decision and not by taxation and its policies, strategies and practices are aimed at favoring its employees, suppliers, family, environment and environment.
The green paper of the European Commission states that "corporate social responsibility is the voluntary integration, by companies, of social and environmental concerns in their business operations and their relationships with all their partners."
Complete the problem. What are you trying to solve for?
1.Business objectives are the specific and measurable results companies hope to maintain as their organization grows. Entrepreneurs and business leaders must track performance in every part of their business to make sure they're moving in the right direction
I think the answer is D. All of the above