I think it shows something along the lines of he saw the sailors as below the naval officers since the sailors are being compared to slaves
this is all i could get sorry
Cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns
This is simply known as the bond that exists between specific people (e.g. a mother and her child) emotionally and it often endures for a long period of time. The love of the mother is very important to normal social and emotional development.
Attachment Theory
This theory was stated according to John Bowlby's work that shows that children are biologically inclined to have attachments to caregivers as a means of increasing the chances of their own survival.
Secure Attachment
This is simply known as a form of an attachment where infants or young children have a high-quality, relatively unbreakable relationship with their attachment figure. In this case, the mother. In the Strange Situation, a securely attached infant may be upset when the caregiver or the mother leaves and also may be happy to see the caregiver or mother return, thereby getting back themselves quickly from any distress. When children are securely attached, they can use caregivers or mothers as a secure base for comfort.
The concept a social psychologist might use is the self-fulfilling prophecy.
A result of the Pygmalion effect, self-fulfilling prophecy explains that we are influenced by other people's expectations of us. If people believe we will succeed, we too begin to believe we will succeed. We then change our behavior, aligning it with the belief, making a self-fulfilling prophecy out of it.
Since the teacher was told she was teaching an honors section of psychology, and she believed it, she taught that class in a way that led it to the results an honors section would indeed present. The teacher was already biased - in a positive way - when she started teaching this class, which led her to see them in a favorable light. Such attitude ended up making the class perform better, as if it were truly an honors section.
The second one I I think I could be wrong not sure
I don't know who De Vaca is but by context clues I would infer that he realized that Native Americans where not the savages they where thought to be.