In some zoos, rare crosses between a male lion and a female tiger have produced hybrid offspring cal are sterile but some female
ligers are fertile. In the wild, lion and tige unlikely. Furthermore, the solitary behavior of tigers and the social organizations of lion hybrid offspring called "ligers." Male ligers r ranges do not naturally overlap, making such a cross s create behavioral difference Applying the biological species concept, the sterility of ligers reveals that:______ A) tigers and lions are separate species
Sex cells only carry half of what makes up the organism's DNA. This is so that when they find a mate, in this case- another tomato, their sex cells and their partner's sex cells will add up to the appropriate amount of chromosomes in the organism's DNA. In this case, 24.
cancer results not from a single flawed gene, but rather the interplay of multiple genes and any accumulated damage to DNA caused by environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals, or aspects of lifestyle, such as smoking