It helps scientists improve on research and tests/examinations to understand the object a little more. For Example: The newer modified microscope helps zoom into harder to see microrganisms. So if technology changed then most of our scientific knowledge wouldve been mistaken this whole time. We wouldnt know many things if technology didnt exist.
Sugar,coffee powder, powdered drink mixes,bouillon cubes, corn starch,flour,cornmeal food coloring.
Be P atient
do your O bligation
be a good L istener
being A cess to all
being R esponsible
use your I nternal feelings
use your T ongue for good
Y our officially a angel of god
the capital letters is from the word polarity
If the pancreas did not stop producing insulin and blood sugar levels did not dropped to normal levels so it causes a disease called hyperinsulinemia. This disease causes heart disease and cancer in the body. With increased levels of insulin makes the cells resistant to harmone which means there is no effects of harmone on the cell and the body didn't perform its functions properly. The increase in insulin levels increase the absorption of sugar from the blood and the person gets more weight which is not good for health.