A = event that a male highschool player plays on a college team B = event that a female highschool player plays on a college team C = event that a male college player is drafted by the pro leagues D = event that a female college player is drafted by the pro leagues
Going from high school to college: P(A) = 4500/549500 P(A) = 0.0082 <<-- value is approximate P(B) = 4100/456900 P(B) = 0.0090 <<-- value is approximate Females have a better chance of playing on college teams (since 0.0090 is larger than 0.0082)
Going from college to the pro leagues: P(C) = 44/4500 P(C) = 0.0098 <<-- value is approximate P(D) = 32/4100 P(D) = 0.0078 <<-- value is approximate Males have a better chance of getting drafted by the pro leagues (since 0.0098 is larger than 0.0078)