The BMP file format, also known as bitmap image file, device independent bitmap (DIB) file format and bitmap, is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter), especially on Microsoft Windows[2] and OS/2[3] operating system
The 7 components found in a computer tower are the following:
Power supply unit
Central processing unit
Hard disk drive
Ram modules
Video card
Sound card
I honestly don't know if you're being serious or not as this was a popular thing a few years ago, there are a few videos on yt, one particularly from 2008 that answers your question pretty well.
Clipping through a loading area requires at least 400 speed. But if you're just interested in the usual speed, there are multiple glitches to make him go faster than his usual x3.5 increased running speed (which is the speed you get at the LEAST when BLJing) but it seems the average is -200. I've seen people get up to -900 though, so.
Basically, it can vary. In a very specific area he can get max momentum of -9373, which is probably the fastest even though it's against a wall.