Driving while black
Driving While Black is a term used in contemporary U.S. vernacular.
Driving while black refers to the act of African American car drivers being racial profiled. It means that a police officer will stop a motorist solely because of racial bias, rather than any apparent breach of traffic law.
This occurs when police use traffic violations as an pretext to arrest African-Americans who have committed no crime, interrogate them, and search them and their cars. In these situations, police arrest the black drivers without the normal probable cause or reasonable suspicion provision.
The recent research showed that glial cells have more activity and are essential than previously thought. First, they help in neuronal communication; they help to potentiate the communication between the neurons, also, it potentiates the cerebral functions like being the thought and the emotions, and finally, these cells migrate to regions of the brain where pathologies are found and proliferate, interacting with the immunological system.
The system with the highest level of government control is the communism economic system because it’s where the government has full control over allocation and distribution. Plus the government owns all or most enterprises
D. one in which power is shared between a central government and state or regional governments.
A federal system of government can be defined as a system of government that typically involves splitting (dividing) the power of government into three branches; federal (national) government, state government and local.
Under a federal system of government, each of the branches of government shares power in some areas and have sovereign power in other areas.
In USA, both the federal and state are empowered by the constitution to tax the citizens and migrants living in the country.
Hence, a federal system of government is one in which power is shared between a central government and state or regional governments.
The type of government being practiced in the United States of America is generally referred to as a federal system of government.