High Latitudes: No pycnocline and surface water is dense and stays dense as depth increases. Layer of ocean water where density rapidly increases. Ocean is layered based on density.
i got it from quizlet if its ok with you
Important multidisciplinary issues including the dynamics and predictability of global climate and the sustainability of human use in coastal and estuarine regions.
Mars is a planet. It is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is the next planet beyond Earth. Mars is more than 142 million miles from the Sun. The planet is about half the size of Earth. A day on Mars is 24.6 hours. A year on Mars is 687 Earth days. Mars is known as the Red Planet. It is red because the soil looks like rusty iron. Mars has two small moons. Their names are Phobos and Deimos.
1) Named after the Roman God of war, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system.
2) Mars is also known as the ‘Red Planet’ because, well, it’s red! This signature colour comes from the large amount of a chemical called iron oxide (or ‘rust’ as you might know it) in its rocks and soil.
3) Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury. With a diameter (distance through the middle) of 6,791 kilometres, it’s roughly half the size of Earth.
4) It can get pretty cold on Mars –– much colder than our own planet, since it’s further away from the sun. At the equator, temperatures can reach 20°C, but at its poles they can plummet to as low as -140°C.
5) Mars is home to the highest mountain in our solar system –– a volcano called Olympus Mons. Standing a whopping 24 kilometres high, it’s about three times the height of Mount Everest!
6)You could jump around three times higher on Mars than you can on Earth. This is because the planet’s gravity – the force that keeps us on the ground – is much weaker.
Hope it helps!!!!
Mark it as brainliest!!
I guess it just works that way
Advanced technologies like remote sensing have modified the way by which maps are constructed. Remote sensing is the procedure of collecting information about Earth with the help of instruments mounted on airplanes, satellites, or ships.
Remote sensing helps in monitoring and detecting the physical features of a region by determining its emitted and reflected radiation at a distance from the targeted region. Unique or specialized camera gather remotely sensed pictures of the Earth that assists the researchers in sensing the things about the Earth.