The central idea of the story <em>Hang on, Dolly!</em> is that you do not have to give up and you have to follow your dreams until they come true, even if it's difficult and you have to fight for it.
I was able to find the story written by Sally Lee online. <em>Hang on, Dolly!</em> tells the life of Dolly Shepherd, who was a parachutist from England during the time when men where the only ones that used to parachute.
She also suffered injuries that left her on a wheelchair but she continued having treatments until she was able to be a parachutist again. Those are the reasons why her story shows how you must not give up on your dreams.
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Poezia " Corabia " de Alexandru Macedonski este o operă lirică în versuri , în care se prezintă un aspect din natură , prin care eul liric își exprimă sentimentele . Figurile de stil predominante sunt epitetele cromatice . Sentimentele transmise sunt de melancolie , tristețe .
Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. ... Apart from drinking it to survive, people have many other uses for water.