They trained their armies very well so they would be ready for another war like WWII if one happened again.
Feelings and intention. Research shows that people use their facial expressions to communicate their feeling and intentions towards someone or something.
Pine Family
Cone-bearing trees and shrubs (conifers) are found worldwide. Conifers with needles are in the Pinaceae (pine) family. Pines are divided into species by the number of needles in a typical cluster.
e. Inductive
Inductive research, inductive method, inductive reasoning or simply induction, is a type of research or argument used in various areas of knowledge. This method is intended to reach a conclusion. As such, it is widely used in the sciences in which it starts from true premises to arrive at conclusions that may or may not be true. In this sense, the induction adds new information to the assumptions that were previously given.
An example of inductive research is Erickson's research, shown in the above question, where he took true information (through interviews with residents) to come to a true conclusion that the damage to social ties in the community caused by the flood was so destructive. regarding physical damage to the community.
C) most electoral votes and selected Al Gore for president
you know the drill lol