Answer:It's not easy to identify patients with communicable diseases.
Strict practice of standard precautions would forestall the transfer of infections from patient to patient through health care workers.
it is very important to stay healthy in today's world because if take a good look at this dieses that we see people suffer from its really sad and there is so much different compare to back days those people they made sure that they eat healthy foods that what made them live long
Answer: Manage total carbohydrate diet and split it between meals
Having diabetes really does not mean you can’t have access to any nutrient u want, just that you need more of some and less of some. As regards the question, the first thing you need is calculating how much carbohydrates you need for the day, and dividing it through your Rations for the day and remember that protein and vegetables should be the majority components of a diabetic diet as carbohydrates and fat should be reduced.
Malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, fatigue, increased risk for complications from surgery.