The sentence "Free nations will press on to victory" relates to the central idea in the sense that:
b. It supports the main point that this is an ongoing fight that America will not abandon.
President Bush addresses how America has declared war against terror, and how that battle shall continue for as long as is necessary. Even though the troops are going home after serving, the mission continues. Terror is not over and, therefore, the war against it is also not over. America, as the free nation it is, will not accept terror to instigate fear among its people or to curb that people's freedom. When he says, "Free nations will press on to victory," he is supporting that point, the main one: the mission continues, the war against terror is not over. America will keep on fighting.
One out of four types of character belongs to round character. It has characteristics that able the readers to get-to-know the character. They have the ability to change according to their motivation and inspiration to further understand the story.
" war is a time out of balance. When it is truly over, we must work to restore peace and harmony once again"
"As long as we can remember them, our families will always be with us."
"Guilt can make you doubt yourself at the very moment when you need to proceed with certainty."
"But being Catholic did not mean we would forget the Holy People and our Navajo Way"
"Remember, grandchildren, like so many other Navajos, I had grown up hearing only criticism and hard words from the <em>bilagaanaas</em> about our people. We Navajos were stupid. We were lazy. We could not be taught anything. We could never be as good as any white man. To hear what was now being said truly made the sun shine in my heart"
"Yet all the laws of the United States, those laws that we now have to live by, they are in English"
Hope this helps;)