nrToCheck = int(input("How many numbers do you need to check? "))
nrEven = 0
nrOdd = 0
for i in range(nrToCheck):
number = int(input("Enter number: "))
if (number % 2):
nrOdd = nrOdd + 1
print("{} is an odd number".format(number))
nrEven = nrEven + 1
print("{} is an even number".format(number))
print("You entered {} even number(s).".format(nrEven));
print("You entered {} odd number(s).".format(nrOdd));
Answered below
The next line is 1.
The python count function returns the number of times an element appears in a tuple or a list.
In the tupleB tuple, 7 is passed into the count function. The number of times 7 appears in tupleB is just once alongside 5, 2.7, 10 and 5. Therefore, the count function returns 1 in the next line.
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Boolean operators, it uses the word "and","or" and "not" with keywords to control the search. For example if you search for health and food, the search engine will give a narrow search focusing on the two keywords. Using "or" with keywords will give much broader results. Using a "not" will remove one keyword from the search, ex. windy not rainy will give results of the keyword windy only. An asterisk on the other hand, gives wider results with variations.