Prime rate + credit history (APEX)
The "A" option is correct.
For CSS flexbox layout, the property "align-content" requires that the space in the flexbox is more than enough to show the items. In this case, to distribute evenly the items and show the first and last items aligned with the start and end of the main axis, the only suitable option is "space-between". This option leaves no space at the start or at the end of the flexbox, distributing the remaining space between the elements into the flexbox.
b)void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
In the function definition you have to pass the tell the function which type of argument it is taking.In our case we are taking a variable co of Banana type passing it to the function named aNonclassFunction having no return type.
So the definition will be like this.
void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
A source is where you can look to find info. Multiple means many or some.
Therefore, a multiple source test is a test that you can find the answers in multiple sources, such as a book, article, journal, etc.
I hope this helps