chemicals that remain in contact with the skin for a long time reach the nerve supply, which can result in paralysis.
1. it would not be as hard because i am doing online and i dont do zoom
2. maybe not because i gonna want to spend time with my child and if i do maybe 2 hours
3. yeah when my child is sleep
the mother is responsible for hisor her child welfare
Eat Healthy food (avoid fatty, unhealthy foods)
Exercise, Mostly Cardio (Running, Walking, Jogging)
Limit meals to snacking 4-6 times a day, not eating huge portions all at once, like normal.
Do not over-eat, stay within your boundaries of how many calories your body needs per day
Stay positive: Having a positive attitude for all of the other steps is honestly a huge key, and staying committed to a plan that you have set.
PTSD in preschool children and learning disabilities; those proposed for reclassification such as pica, feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood, and separation anxiety disorder; those proposed for removal such as Rett disorder; and those proposed to be susumed under other diagnoses such as Asperger disorder and pervasive developmental disorder NOS.