Based on data it can change per time you do the experiment, thats why repetition is key to check for errors
The world would become very unfair.
Labor laws are in place for a reason. Teens cannot work as much because they have to get their education. Men cannot be paid more than women. These laws help everyone to be treated fairly and without them favoritism would be shown, clearly.
Discrimination laws are important. One cannot be discriminated upon by race, sex, or religious beliefs. These apply for real estate, jobs, the court systems, and much more. Almost anywhere you go there are laws protecting you so you cannot be discriminated against. If these laws did not exist, it would be easier for companies to only hire one race or gender or they could choose not to hire someone with a specific religious belief. It is important to have these laws in place so that everyone has opportunities to succeed.
Sexual harassment laws are set protect us from any form of sexual misconduct. Sexual harassment is a very under reported crime. Many people failed to report sexual harassment because they believed nothing would be done for it. Now, we have more laws to help keep up safe from sexual misconduct. These laws apply for men and women both.
You want to be interested in what your writing, but you also want your readers interested too.